7 Latest Biometrics Technology Trends in 2018

Biometric technology has been around long enough to become quite an integral part of our lives by now. Like all other technology, it continues to evolve due to advancements in technological resources and other enhancements of the 21st century. In 2017, we saw breakthroughs in innovative and widespread uses of biometric technology in not only developed nations, but also in developing nations worldwide. It goes with sayings that the biometrics trends of past years will easily be foreshadowed by the latest biometric technology in 2018.

Latest Biometrics Technology Trends in 2018
Latest Biometrics Technology Trends in 2018. Pixabay

In this article, we will briefly discuss the latest biometrics trends of 2018 and the areas which will has the most potential through implementation or integration of the latest biometrics.

1.      Mobile Biometrics is ubiquitous!

The mobile generation will only become more and more mobile, which may not even be imaginable with the heavy dependence we have upon it already. The explosion of mobile first services will surely increase and it will do so at an exponential rate. The rise of mobile transactions is undeniable in every industry. The need for these transactional services to be secure is a priority.

This heavy dependence on the uses of smartphones, amongst other mobile devices to complete transactional services has raised the cyber threats & subsequently the heavy investments in securing it. Apple Pay in 2017 allowed both Near Field Communication (NFC) and fingerprint capture technologies for authenticating mobile transactional services. With over 700,000 locations globally, this biometrics trend will surely develop in 2018. Apple is sure to work on their technology to provide more services, at more locations and more security to users.

According to most studies, US is vouched to be at the forefront of a revolution of mobile transactional services which in less 2 years is estimated to be offering $1 trillion or more worth of financial transactions. The latest biometrics and the latest mobile payments services will integrate to offer an array of consumer services in 2018.

2.      Facial Recognition for Sure!

Facial recognition technology has arrived with quite an impact and made its mark in 2017. Not limited to just unlocking your phone in 2018, this technology will unlock all of its potential for consumers. Not just phones, or drones, anything with a camera will be equipped with facial recognition technology as tool for achieving what was previously thought to be unlikely.

3.      Behavioral Biometrics is Coming!

Behavioral biometrics are nothing new, but the scope of digital security services attainable by it has not even scraped its surface. The signature may have been the most common forms of behavioral biometrics, simply put, the way you right your name. But the latest behavioral biometrics will surely not be limited to signatures. Digital signatures as authentication methods have become a powerful tool but e-signatures are the future.

It is common to have been wrongfully accused by Google of being a robot due to a strange or repetitive activity or a credit card transaction at a random location to be unapproved. These are all basic forms of behavioral biometrics at work, and with the advancements in technology, more and more services will surface in 2018.

4.      “Point of Sale” is a valid point!

The modern day commerce industry with easily attainable transaction, swift payment, and lack of cash in your pockets is all due to the invention of POS. A freshness was brought to the commerce industry for manufacturers and consumers with POS. With the ongoing experiments of the latest biometrics and its integration with POS, there is certainly more to be seen in the future.

The successful and practical use of POS with the latest biometric technology of 2018, will mean that things like PINs, barcodes, etc. will also be eliminated for a simpler solution for consumers. Financial institutions may eliminate checks and cards for biometric authentication and authorization like a fingerprint.

5.      Multi-modal Authentication is what we need now!

A substantial percentage of the population look to sci-fi movies for the next big idea in the technological revolution. But as a matter of fact, we are not in any way behind from what we see on movies or television. Security is above all the topmost priority for manufacturers.

Authentication services which are multi-modal are aimed at reducing identity theft and its associated harms. The combination of a traditional method of authentication like password with a biometric solution such as fingerprint, is just the beginning of what can be achieved in multimodal authentication services. Fraudulent activities collectively account for billions of dollars in losses and damages.

6.      Biometrics in healthcare is good for health.

Credence Research reports the usages of latest biometrics in healthcare is growing at a CAGR of 22.9 percent. While usage is currently limited to access control applications such as identifying hospital personnel, identifying patients, restricting access to specific areas within hospitals and other healthcare institutions, the future offers much more. In 2018, we can expect to see the solution of specific healthcare challenges.

An example scenario: healthcare professionals will identify patients using biometrics, receive access to real-time patient history for making swift and accurate decisions of treatment. This will assist in avoiding the mix-ups in dosage, allergens, etc.

Due to the need for maintaining hygiene in the healthcare facilities, non-invasive and touch-free biometrics will flourish. Services will be offered in treatment facilities, gyms, and other hygiene sensitive locations while protecting health and hygiene using the latest biometrics such as facial recognition, etc.

7.      Airports will expand biometric use beyond passport control.

Currently, over 800 million biometric passports are in complete circulation and are accounted for through airport check-ins. In 2018, we can expect to see this latest biometrics trends to establish a higher purpose that makes the airport experience more efficient by eliminating long lines and tedious checking.

In-motion biometric technology will allow the recognition of individuals while they go about their business in the airport without the need to stop and ask for authentication documents. This technology will allow to identify every individual in the airport premises with a single token without the need to constantly rechecking at every point.

For example, a passenger can be identified as themselves while they shop, wait, board, etc. instead of through the traditional process of airlines, security personnel, airport staff/duty free, customs agents, etc.  Without passport and boarding cards, in-motion biometrics technology will allow passengers to use themselves as their identification token.

In 2017, we have seen many biometrics trends set and in the upcoming 365 days of 2018, we will surely experience improvements in all of these biometrics technologies. It is notable that there is a lot more on promise by the latest biometrics technology in 2018 apart from the brief discussions in this article such as immigration service providers, government agencies, human resource management systems, etc. While we may have already been enjoying the many benefits in 2017, we will have to keep up pace in the evolving technological advancements in the near future.

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